Make a Software using Notepad to Convert Text into Audio
Convert your Text Files into audio without downloading any applications just by using NOTEPAD in your Window PC.
STEP 3: Now let’s save the code we entered above. The code has to be saved in .hta format rather than standard .txt format.
STEP 4: Now navigate yourself to the location where the code you saved. You can see that the file we saved was in the .hta format.
STEP 5: Now just double-click on the saved file and Enter the text you want to hear in the text box. The moment you click Listen button , You can hear the text you entered as Audio.
Everyone loves to hear what is written in a paragraph or in a document. This is the reason why the audio books are getting popular nowadays. In this article, I will show how you can convert text into audio using the Notepad.
Why Use Notepad?
Because it is the most commonly used text editor everyone uses. That’s the reason.
How To Convert Text Into Audio Using Notepad
STEP 1: Open Notepad Program in your Window PC.
STEP 2: Now, Copy the following program (without inverted commas only which are used in starting and in ending of program) and paste it in Notepad
Example -"<html><head><title>Convert Text into Audio using Notepad</title><HTA:APPLICATIONAPPLICATIONNAME="Convert Text into Audio using Notepad"ID="Convert Text into Audio using Notepad"VERSION="1.0"MAXIMIZEBUTTON="no"SCROLL="no"/></head><style> td { color: Black; }caption { color: Black; }body { font-family: Arial; background-color: #388A9F; color: #808080; }input { background-color: #202020; color: #808080; }textarea { background-color: #22374B; color: #D6E1EC; font-style:bold; }</style><script language="VBScript">Sub Window_OnLoadDim width,heightwidth=470height=400self.ResizeTo width,heightEnd SubFunction ListenDim messagemessage = tamsg.valueIf (message = null) ThenX = MsgBox("Enter your message", 48, "Error Message")ElseSet sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")sapi.Speak messageEnd IfEnd Function</script><body bgcolor="white"><span title="Visit our blog for more"> <marquee color="white" bgcolor="black" style="font-family= Book Antiqua;">This code is uploaded on <font color="cyan"></font></marquee></span> <table align="center" width="400"> <caption style="font-family:Book Antiqua; font-size:20;"><hr color="black"><b>Message Speaker</b><hr color="black"></caption><tr> <td align="center"> <span title="Enter your Full message here"><textarea id="tamsg" cols="50" rows="10"></textarea></span> </td> </tr><td align="right" color="black" style="font-family: Book Antiqua; font-size:18;"> <hr color="black"> <span title="Click here to listen your message"><input style="width: 130px; height:25px; color: white; background-color: #203040; font-family:Book Antiqua; font-size:15;" type="button" Value="Listen" id="btnsp" onClick="Listen()" onmouseover="'#102030'" onmouseout="'#203040'"> </span> </td> </tr> <tr><td align="right"><hr color="black"> <span title="All rights reserved by Attract Tech" style="font-size: 13px; font-family:Book Antiqua;">© 2016 Tricks And Games - All rights reserved.</span> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>"
STEP 3: Now let’s save the code we entered above. The code has to be saved in .hta format rather than standard .txt format.
STEP 4: Now navigate yourself to the location where the code you saved. You can see that the file we saved was in the .hta format.
STEP 5: Now just double-click on the saved file and Enter the text you want to hear in the text box. The moment you click Listen button , You can hear the text you entered as Audio.
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